Human-Computer Interaction Directory

This is a public list of Mastodon/Fediverse accounts of researchers, practitioners, research groups, institutions, and publication venues related to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). You can:

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Name 🧑/🏛️ Affiliation Keywords Languages
Andreas Bulling 🧑 University of Stuttgart
Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Vision, Intelligent User Interfaces, Eye Tracking, Collaborative Intelligence
English , en , Deutsch , de
Bharath M. Palavalli 🧑
Complex Adaptive Systems, Behavioural Studies, HCI, Computational Social Sciences, Simulation and Modelling, Game Studies
English , en , Esperanto , eo , ಕನ್ನಡ , kn
ISLab: Information Systems and Knowledge Management 🏛️ Università degli Studi di Milano
digital humanities, computational linguistics, crowdsourcing
English , en , italiano , it
Ali Algarni 🧑 King Khalid University
Human–computer interaction (HCI), Creativity, Computational cognition, Collaborative Computing, Human Centered AI
English , en , العربية , ar
Christoph Becker 🧑 University of Toronto
sustainability, degrowth, requirements, critical computing, just sustainability, climate
English , en , español , es
Claus Atzenbeck 🇪🇺 🧑 Hof University, Germany
hypertext, spatial hypertext, cognitive maps, human-machine interfaces, visual analytics, recommender systems, knowledge building, AI, human in the loop
English , en , Deutsch , de
Jérémy La Scala 🧑 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
collaboration, learning, education, collaborative learning, creativity, ideation, design thinking, engineering
français , fr , English , en
Interactions Research Group 🏛️ University of St.Gallen
pervasive computing, ubicomp, HCI, AI, computer vision, mixed reality, multi-agent systems, hypermedia, privacy, affordances, XAI, robotics
English , en
Alexander Rind 🧑 St. Poelten University of Applied Sciences, Austria
data visualization, dataviz, infovis, visual analytics, healthcare, social computing, manufacturing, software engineering, open science
English , en , Deutsch , de
Maximilian Golla 🧑 CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Usable Security and Privacy, Computer Security, User Authentication, Online Privacy
English , en , Deutsch , de
Norman Makoto Su 🧑 UC Santa Cruz
CSCW, culture, critical computing
English , en
ACM RecSys 🏛️ ACM
recsys, information retrieval, recommender systems, ir, hci
English , en
Carl Colglazier 🧑 Northwestern University
Computational Social Science, Social Computing, Social Networks
English , en
Titus Barik 🧑
software engineering
English , en
Michael Koch 🧑 Universität der Bundeswehr München
cscw, public displays, information radiators, communitymirrors, hci, eusset
Deutsch , de , English , en
Nick Alico 🧑
HCD, CBL, competency-based learning
English , en
Mensch und Computer 🏛️
HCI, Conference, Community
English , en , Deutsch , de
Jack Dawson 🧑 University of Bath
Interactive Devices, Additive Manufacturing, HCI, Programming
English , en , español , es
Kasra Ferdowsi 🧑 UC San Diego
HCI, AI, Program Synthesis, Programming, Interaction Design
English , en
Vis Lab @ Khoury College 🏛️ Northeastern University
data visualization, research, hci, accessibility, perception, graph theory, qualitative methods, quantitative methods, mixed methods, acm chi, ieee vis, datavis
English , en
Jane Adams 🧑 Northeastern University
data visualization, high dimensional data, genomics, genetics, bioinformatics, exploratory data analysis, datavis, dataviz, art, media, emergent media, creativity, python, graph theory
English , en , français , fr , Deutsch , de , русский язык , ru
Danish Roshan 🧑
Intelligent User Interfaces, Smart Sensing, AR/VR
English , en , हिन्दी , hi , മലയാളം , ml
Chris Frauenberger 🧑 University of Salzburg
human-computer interaction, participatory design, philosophy, STS
English , en , Deutsch , de
Verena Distler 🧑 UniBw Munich
human-computer interaction, usable security and privacy, security, privacy, psychology
English , en , Deutsch , de , français , fr
Garreth Tigwell 🧑 Rochester Institute of Technology
accessibility, HCI
English , en
Romina Golfam Batebi 🧑
HCI, Digital Business, AI, HPC, Cloudcomputing
English , en , Deutsch , de , فارسى , fa
Katarzyna Stawarz 🧑 Cardiff University
digital health, habits, physical activity, behaviour change
English , en , polski , pl , español , es , Cymraeg , cy
Sukrit Venkatagiri 🧑 Swarthmore College
CSCW, social computing, misinformation studies, crowdsourcing, deepfakes, AI-generated content
English , en
Juho Kim 🧑 KAIST
Human-AI Interaction, Education, Video Interaction
English , en , 한국어 , ko
Morten Warncke-Wang 🧑 Wikimedia Foundation
peer production, Wikipedia, computational social science, CSCW, recommender systems, machine learning
English , en , norsk , no , français , fr
David Karger 🧑 MIT
online discussions tools, social media, misinformation
English , en , עִבְרִית , he
HCI@AU 🏛️ Aarhus University
English , en
Dana McKay 🧑 RMIT University
information, ethics, equity, qualitative research, mixed methods research
English , en , suomi , fi
Ian Drosos 🧑 Microsoft Research
HCI, Programming, Learning, Content Creation, AI, Design, UX
English , en
Brian Krupp 🧑 Baldwin Wallace University
mobile, Privacy, IoT, computers and society, cs education
English , en
Ian Arawjo 🧑 Université de Montréal
programming, AI, prompt engineering, notation, critical computing
English , en , français , fr
Aaron Jiang 🧑
Trust & Safety, Content Moderation, Social Computing
English , en , 中文 , zh
Stuart Schechter 🧑 Harvard
security, ethics
English , en
Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen 🧑 UCLA
English , en
Bastian Greshake Tzovaras 🧑 The Alan Turing Institute
citizen science, co-creation, participatory research, community science, peer production, health
English , en , Deutsch , de
Christiane Grünloh 🧑 University of Twente
eHealth, value sensitive design, patient empowerment, patient involvement, human centered AI, sustainability, responsible AI, AI Ethics, vegan
English , en , Deutsch , de , Nederlands , nl
Benett Axtell 🧑 Simon Fraser University
collaboration, domestic technology, co-design
English , en , français , fr
Pedro Arellano 🧑
interaction design, ux, accesibility, research, management
español , es , English , en
Douglas Zytko 🧑 University of Michigan-Flint
HCI, human computer interaction, social computing, VR, AR, XR, AI, consent, online dating, sexual violence
English , en
Tess 🧑 Queensland University of Technology
Codesign, interaction design, eHealth, creative health, VR, XR, virtual reality, immersive technologies
English , en
Zana Buçinca 🧑 Harvard University
human-AI interaction, responsible AI
English , en
Parastoo Abtahi 🧑 Princeton University
Interaction, Augmented Reality, Spatial Computing
English , en
Amy Bruckman 🧑 Georgia Institute of Technology
content moderation, collaboration, social movements
English , en
Orestis Papakyriakopoulos 🧑 Sony AI
algorithmic fairness, tech policy, natural language processing, political communication
English , en , Deutsch , de , ελληνικά , el , español , es
Wilfrido Antonio Gómez-Arias 🧑 Universidad Iberoamericana
social computing, platform for commons good, social data science
español , es , English , en
joice tang 🧑 University of Washington
community-based participatory research, design justice
English , en
Sunnie S. Y. Kim 🧑 Princeton University
HCI, AI, Human-AI interaction, AI transparency and explainability, Trust and reliance
English , en , 한국어 , ko
Zachary Schultz 🧑 Michigan State University
VR, AR, Privacy, Cybersecurity
English , en
Oliver D. Reithmaier 🧑 Leibniz-University Hannover
Usable Security, Privacy, Human-Centered Security, Human-Computer Interaction, Methods in HCI
English , en , Deutsch , de , Nederlands , nl , 日本語 , ja
Katja Rogers 🧑 University of Amsterdam
realism, audio, virtual reality, research synthesis, games
English , en , Deutsch , de
Hendrik Heuer 🧑 University of Bremen
Human-Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, Misinformation, Recommender Systems, Algorithmic Regimes
English , en
Daniel Buzzo 🧑 CODE University of Applied Sciences
Interaction Design, Creative Coding, Artistic Research, Physical Computing, time, temporality, prototyping, HCI, TEI
English , en
Sachita Nishal 🧑 Northwestern University
cscw, human factors, human values, computational journalism, intelligent user interfaces
English , en , हिन्दी , hi , ગુજરાતી , gu
Zachary Levonian 🧑 Industry (Digital Harbor Foundation)
cscw, online communities, education, machine learning, social computing
English , en
Phil Brooker 🧑 University of Liverpool
Ethnomethodology, Programming-as-Social-Science (PaSS), Science and Technology Studies (STS), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Digital Methods
English , en
Daniel Buschek 🧑 University of Bayreuth, Germany
HCI, intelligent user interfaces, interactive NLProc, interactive AI
Deutsch , de , English , en
Michelle Lam 🧑 Stanford University
HCI, AI, Human-AI Interaction, Social Computing
English , en
Prof. Estelle Smith 🧑 Colorado School of Mines
HCI, CSCW, spirituality, religion, spiritual care, mental health, online communities, human values, machine learning, artificial intelligence, human-centered design
English , en , Deutsch , de
Nathalie Van Raemdonck 🧑 Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Affordances, platform architecture, content moderation, social norms, polarisation, decentralisation
English , en , Nederlands , nl , français , fr
Oliver Haimson 🧑 University of Michigan
social computing, human-computer interaction (HCI), trans technologies, content moderation, trans and LGBTQ+ health, identity transitions, social media
English , en
shareish (Share & Cherish) 🏛️ University of Liège (Belgium)
cscw, open-source, mutual aid, solidarity, hci, map, communities
français , fr , English , en
Teja 🧑 University of Maryland
HCI, XR, accessibility, remote collaboration
English , en
Florian Daiber 🧑 German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
hci, sportshci, 3dui, ar, vr
English , en , Deutsch , de , français , fr
Jessica Vitak 🧑 University of Maryland
privacy, surveillance, data ethics
English , en
Michael Hammel 🧑 Zealand
user experience, teaching ux + hci, ui, art, bicycle user experience
dansk , da , English , en , Deutsch , de
Ben Rochford 🧑 Duke University
Computational Social Science, Political Polarization, Mental Health, Sociology
English , en , español , es
Tom Jenkins 🧑 IT University of Copenhagen
Interaction Design, Design, HCI
English , en
Nicolai Brodersen Hansen 🧑 Aalborg University
HCI, Participatory Design, Design Methods, Digital Civics
English , en , dansk , da
Stephan Wiefling 🧑 H-BRS University of Applied Sciences
Usable Security and Privacy, Authentication, Software Engineering, UX, Human Factors, InfoSec
English , en , Deutsch , de
Shardul Chiplunkar 🧑 EPFL
software engineering, proof engineering, HCI, PL, SE, FM, formal methods, programming
English , en , मराठी , mr , français , fr , हिन्दी , hi
Rod McCall 🧑 Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Mixed Reality, Automotive, User Experience, Serious Games, Gamification, Ethics
English , en
Caroline Pitt 🧑 University of Washington
co-design, participatory design, learning sciences, education, HCI, HCI education, educational technology, informal education, value sensitive design, community, youth, teens, youth development, gaming, TTRPGs, STEM
English , en , español , es
Feng Feng 🧑 IT university of Copenhagen
multisensory, design, theory, embodied cognition
English , en , 中文 , zh
Elisa Mekler 🧑 IT University of Copenhagen
games, UX, theory, motivation, metascience
English , en , Deutsch , de
Jake Chanenson 🧑 The University of Chicago
privacy, usable security and privacy, policy, law
English , en
Alyxander (Alyx) Burns 🧑 Mount Holyoke College
hci, visualization, cs education, research methods
English , en
Aaron Quigley 🧑 Science Director and Deputy Director of CSIRO’s Data61
UbiComp InfoVis
English , en
Stefan Woelwer 🧑 HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim/Holzminden/Goettingen
Interaction Design, Service Design, Design Research
Deutsch , de , English , en
uxHH - UX Community Hamburg 🏛️
uxevents, ixda, uxpa, upa, sigchi, community, hamburg, germany
Deutsch , de , English , en , 中文 , zh
Evgeny Stemasov 🧑 Ulm University
XR, VR, fabrication, human-computer interaction, design tools
English , en , Deutsch , de
Kathrin Gerling 🧑 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Accessibility, Games
English , en , Deutsch , de , Nederlands , nl
Daniel Steinbach 🧑 University Hospital Leipzig, Germany
E-Health, Medical AI, ML, AI, OpenSource
English , en , Deutsch , de
AMPEL-CDSS 🏛️ University Hospital Leipzig, Germany
E-Health, Medical AI, ML, AI, OpenSource
English , en , Deutsch , de
Bastian Ilsø 🧑 Aalborg University
Games, data-driven gameplay, brain-computer interfaces, Neurorehabilitation, Cognitive Psychology, Modeling Interactions, Agency
English , en
Jonathan Baker-Bates 🧑
interaction design, design strategy, commercial UX
English , en
Matthias Müller-Prove 🧑 mprove ideas + interaction + design :: Chrono Research Lab
ux, ixd, geo interaction design, maps, design, branding, social, community, uxevents, culture, digital humanities, history of computing, timetravel
English , en , Deutsch , de
Niloufar Salehi 🧑 UC, Berkeley
HCI, HCAI, social computing
English , en , فارسى , fa
Richmond Wong 🧑 Georgia Institute of Technology
design futuring, ethics, values in design, privacy, policy, infrastructures, STS, CSCW, critical computing
English , en
Felix A. Epp (he/him) 🧑 Aalto University
social computing, wearables, design futuring
English , en , Deutsch , de , italiano , it
Cori Faklaris 🧑 University of North Carolina at Charlotte
human-computer interaction, human factors, social computing, psychometrics, usable security and privacy
English , en
SPEX Lab @ UNC Charlotte 🏛️ University of North Carolina at Charlotte
usable security and privacy, social computing, design, user experiemce
English , en
Jennifer 🧑
human-machine communication, human-ai interaction, AI
English , en
Sahar Mirhadi (She/Her) 🧑 University of York
hci, games user research, games studies
English , en
Alwin de Rooij 🧑 Tilburg University & Avans University of Applied Sciences
Creativity, Creativity Support Tools, Design Methods, HCI, HRI, Imagination
English , en , Nederlands , nl
Louis 🧑
Microphenomenology, ethnography, ux, ux research, CSCW, activity analysis
français , fr , English , en
Kyle Thayer 🧑 The Information School (iSchool), University of Washington, Seattle
Computer Science Education, Culture, Ethics, Social Media
English , en , español , es
Jeremy Foote 🧑 Purdue University
online communities, communication, agent-based modeling, peer production, computational social science
English , en
Evan Peck 🧑 University of Colorado Boulder
hci, visualization, tech ethics education
English , en
Ben Waber 🧑 MIT
people analytics, work, organizational behavior, network analysis
English , en , 日本語 , ja
Blumenberg 🧑
design, accessibility, a11y, HCD, UX, UI, activism
English , en , Deutsch , de
Gregor 🧑
HCI, UX, DX, malleable software, structured code editors, abstraction galore
English , en
Raphael Wimmer 🧑 University of Regensburg
tangible interaction, physical computing, sensing, augmented reality, interactive surfaces
English , en , Deutsch , de
Christina Chung 🧑 University of California Santa Cruz
personal informatics, health, wellness
English , en , 中文 , zh
Quan Ze (Jim) Chen 🧑 University of Washington
HCI, social computing, crowdsourcing, Ai-in-the-loop
English , en , 中文 , zh , 日本語 , ja
Joon Sung Park 🧑 Stanford University
HCI, AI, generative agents
English , en
Michael Ekstrand 🧑 Drexel University
recommender systems, information retrieval, AI evaluation
English , en
Damon Kiesow 🧑 Missouri School of Journalism
hci, audience research, technology, product management, innovation
English , en
Robin Burke 🧑 University of Colorado, Boulder
recommender systems, ML, AI, responsible AI, human-centered AI
English , en
Angie Nikoleychuk 🧑 University of Lethbridge
cognitive psychology, consumer behavior, cognitive neuroscience, hci, technology, alzheimers, autism
English , en
Mariana Fernández Espinosa 🧑 University of Notre Dame
HCI, decentralization, social computing
English , en , español , es
Amy Zhang 🧑 University of Washington
social computing systems
English , en
Social Futures Lab 🏛️ University of Washington
social computing
English , en
Mitchell Gordon 🧑 Stanford University
HCI, AI, social computing
English , en
Jan Eckhoff 💉⁵ 🧑
ixd, ux, usability, orgdev, hcd
Deutsch , de , English , en , français , fr , norsk , no , Nederlands , nl
Upol Ehsan 🧑 Georgia Institute of Technology
Explainable AI (XAI), Human-centered XAI, Human Computer Interaction, AI, Responsible AI, critical computing, ICTD
English , en , বাংলা , bn
Matt Davis 🧑 Carnegie Mellon University
Software Engineering, SE, HCI, PL, UX, DX, AI, Design, Programming, Testing, Fuzzers, Security, Tacos
English , en , español , es , italiano , it , português , pt , Deutsch , de
Harvard HCI 🏛️ Harvard University
collaboration, human-AI interaction, visualization, accessible computing
English , en
Krzysztof Gajos 🧑 Harvard University
human-AI interaction, intelligent interactive systems, accessible computing, critical computing
English , en , polski , pl
Joseph (Joey) Schafer 🧑 University of Washington Human-Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington Center for an Informed Public
CSCW, social computing, social media, misinformation, disinformation, influencers, research ethics
English , en
Lindsay Popowski 🧑 Stanford University
social computing, cscw, online behavior, social media & wellbeing
English , en
Helena Vasconcelos 🧑 Stanford University
human-AI interaction, trust in AI, explainability, social computing
English , en
Kevin Feng 🧑 University of Washington
social computing, sociotechnical systems
English , en , 中文 , zh
Alicia DeVrio 🧑 Carnegie Mellon University
HCI, critical algorithm studies
English , en
Alix Ducros 🧑
Public libraries, public displays, participatory design
français , fr , English , en
Nick Vincent 🧑 Simon Fraser University
data leverage, responsible AI, social computing, data-centric machine learning, collective action
English , en
Tiziano Piccardi 🧑 Stanford University
Wikipedia, social computing, computational social science, online behavior
English , en , italiano , it
Michael Bernstein 🧑 Stanford University
social computing systems
English , en
J. Nathan Matias 🧑 Cornell University Citizens and Technology Lab
social computing, social psychology, computational social science, human-algorithm behavior, content moderation, online harassment, community science
English , en
Sean Munson 🧑 University of Washington
CSCW, Social Computing, Personal Informatics, Health
English , en
Susanne Draheim 🧑 Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
datafication, companion technology, ethnografic fieldwork, qualitative research methods
English , en , Deutsch , de
Casey Fiesler 🧑 University of Colorado Boulder
CSCW, ethics, policy, law, moderation, social media, education
English , en
Sarah Gilbert 🧑 Cornell University
CSCW, community moderation, data ethics
English , en
Airi Lampinen 🧑 Stockholm University
CSCW, HCI, algorithmic systems, peer-to-peer exchange, trust
English , en , suomi , fi , Svenska , sv
Harley Eades 🧑 Augusta University
fitness, accessibility, programming, theory, machine learning
English , en
Aurélien Tabard 🧑 LIRIS, Université Lyon 1 & CNRS + Inria Lille
computing within limits, participatory design, fragile and aging digital systems
English , en , français , fr
Scott Jenson 🧑 Google
UXDesign, OpenSource, UX
English , en
Mia 🧑 British Library
citizen science, crowdsourcing, cultural heritage, musetech, ux, hci
English , en
Soya Park 🧑 Emory University
social computing, status dynamics, social networking, future of work
English , en
Jannis Strecker 🧑 University of St.Gallen
mixed reality, ubicomp, augmented reality, personalization, gaze, privacy
Deutsch , de , English , en , italiano , it , français , fr
James Eagan 🧑 Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Malleable software, computational media, visualization, cross-device interaction
English , en , français , fr
Francisco Nunes 🧑 Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS
Self-care technologies, chronic conditions, ethnographic fieldwork
English , en , português , pt , español , es , français , fr
Alarith Uhde 🧑 The University of Tokyo
experience design, social situatedness, design for wellbeing
Deutsch , de , English , en , français , fr , 日本語 , ja
Jan B. Vornhagen 🧑 IT University of Copenhagen
Cognition, Emotion, Player Experience, Open Science
English , en , Deutsch , de
Gerald Ackner 🧑 Furtwangen University
Human Factors, Traffic, VR, Cogntive Psychology
English , en , Deutsch , de
Gijs 🧑 Delft University of Technology
Haptics, social touch, embodied interaction, multi-sensory perception
Nederlands , nl , English , en , Deutsch , de
Dr Richard Gomer 🧑 University of Southampton
agency, values, consent, data protection, pbd, law, policy, quals
English , en
Pedro Lopes 🧑 University of Chicago
Haptics, VR, wearables, muscle stimulation, future, hardware
English , en , español , es , português , pt , Deutsch , de , 日本語 , ja
Dan Bennett 🧑 IT University Copenhagen
Enactivism, embodiment, autonomy, agency, ux, wellbeing, complexity, psychology
English , en
Dominik Moritz 🧑 CMU
Visualization, Machine Learning
Deutsch , de , English , en
Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose 🧑 Aarhus University
Computational media, Participatory design, Cross-device interaction
English , en , dansk , da
Florian 'floe' Echtler 🧑 Aalborg University
mobile, ubicomp, mixed reality, open science, interactive surfaces
Deutsch , de , English , en , dansk , da
Dan Liebling 🧑 Google Research
translation, nlp, science
English , en , français , fr
Yuhan Liu 🧑 Princeton University
Social Computing, Sociotechnical System
English , en , 中文 , zh
Daniel Epstein 🧑 University of California, Irvine
Personal Informatics, Health, Social Computing
English , en
Robb B. 🧑
Computational Design
English , en
Elena Glassman 🧑 Harvard University
Data, communication, collaboration
English , en
Elihu M. Gerson 🧑 Prof. Researcher, Philosophy Dept., UC Davis
Sociology, CSCW, social organization, institutions, technical work organization, sociology of science, sociology of computing
English , en
Sam Goree 🧑 Stonehill College
evaluation, aesthetics, computer vision, deep learning, history of computing
English , en
Florian Weidner 🧑 Lancaster University
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Gaze
English , en , Deutsch , de
Jan D 🧑
Anthropology, Ethnomethodology, STS, Pragmatism, Design Methods
English , en , Deutsch , de
Andreas Sonderegger 🧑 University of Fribourg & Bern University of Applied Sciences
UX, evaluation, accessibility, aesthetics, hci, theory, methods, measurement
English , en , Deutsch , de , français , fr
Stephen Farrugia 🧑
design, user experience, ux, product, research, non-academic, css, web, front end, html, writing
English , en
Brian C. Keegan 🧑 University of Colorado Boulder
Social computing, computational social science, network science, Wikipedia
English , en , español , es
Princeton HCI 🏛️ Princeton University
social computing, public interest tech, mixed reality, augmented reality
English , en
Andrés Monroy-Hernández 🧑 Princeton University
social computing, augmented reality, tech and labor, decentralization
español , es , English , en
Julian Fietkau 🧑 University of the Bundeswehr Munich
human-centered design, public displays, collaboration systems, design for older adults, HCI education
English , en , Deutsch , de

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